
2887_78335687205_505017205_1659262_2600272_nSo last Friday May 1st I hit up Three Generations of Urban Portraiture at SMASH Gallery. I went to support Contact and my good friend Che Kothari. The space is definitely off the wall and all the work displayed is absolutely amazing. If you have any extra cash and want to own an original by any of these great photographers, you better act quick! Or if you want to swing by and check out their works, it’ll be showing till May 29th. I was lucky enough to talk with Jamel Shabazz and as you can only imagine’ he’s one of the most realest and nicest people you’ll ever meet. By the end of our talk we came to the conclusion that we’ll be working on a project together in the near future. Yup! that right! So, be on the lookout for it in the months to come.